Where is God In Control?

Daniel 7:13-14

13 As my vision continued that night, I saw someone like a son of man coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient One and was led into his presence. 14 He was given authority, honor, and sovereignty over all the nations of the world, so that people of every race and nation and language would obey him. His rule is eternal—it will never end. His kingdom will never be destroyed.


I was recently in a prayer time with some co-workers.  The scripture reference for our prayer time was Daniel 7:13-14. As I read this passage I couldn’t help but consider the areas of my life that I haven’t fully given God control or rule.  If Jesus has authority and rule over everything in the world, how does this apply to my life?  If Jesus’ rule is now and forever, how am I serving the King?  I think about the way I’m serving him in my job.  I think about how I am serving him in my home.  I am considering how I am serving in my neighborhood.  How is His rule evident in the way I plan my day?  How is His authority shown in my priorities?  Most believers would say that Jesus is in control of everything but how is His rule evident in our day to day, our moment to moment?  

Most of my life has been spent in management; In most of my jobs I have been “in charge”.  When I asked an employee to do something to fulfill the vision of the company the employee did what I asked.  When I laid out a plan for the managers who worked for me, they put the plan into action. In those cases my rule was the way and those who were under my rule did as I asked.  They became a representative of my rule.  They began to do things as though I was doing them. When they responded it became the way I would respond.  When they worked in the store they did the same work I would have done. I think anyone who has had a job or served someone understands that when asked or directed to do something we must submit to the instruction of those who are in rule.  I think we must ask how we are listening to Jesus’ instruction and how we are applying his rule to all areas of our life?  As I considered these questions in my life here are some things I journaled that I believe are a great “next step” in following the rule of the King of Kings.

Live in a way that:

Every action is His action. Every plan is His plan. Every reaction is His reaction. Every prayer is His prayer. Nothing is originated in my mind but all of my thoughts come from Him. I am truly subordinate to Him and His way.


Heavenly Father, You are in charge of me.  I want your rule in my life.  I only want to say what I hear you saying.  Help me to quiet all of the noise around me so I can hear your voice.  Give me wisdom and discernment to know your voice so I can follow your rule.  I only want to do what I see you doing.  Help me to humble myself in a way that I don’t have to be in charge of what I do, but I’m so in agreement and union with you that I follow you in everything I do. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Are you allowing the rule of Jesus to determine the way that you interact in your everyday life? (Family, co-workers, people in traffic on the way to work, grocery store, that server who isn’t very attentive?)
  1. What is one area of your life that you need to relinquish control and allow Jesus to take rule over?

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